Monday, July 23, 2007

left seattle. now in transit at narita. the past few days have been hectic with little time to pause and think. and now i am bearing the emotional brunt of it all. it hurts, terribly. i miss him, i miss seattle, i miss all the fun crazy times we had. especially looking at the photos from the past week. it'll be hard to have that all again. but 2 more months, we'll see.

rachel at 12:46 AM


Friday, July 13, 2007


gonna be leaving for oregon soon but i find myself cranky this morning. at least it's finally gonna be just us for a few days. the skies are gray today which is an oddity given how hot the past few days have been. i've been out mostly rediscovering this city. and as next sunday looms closer, i can't help but wish that the days didn't slip past me so quickly.

rachel at 9:42 AM


i want to believe in something true.

rachel at 12:15 AM


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

written on the back of a receipt while waiting for the bus

sitting at the bus stop on a cloudless, tiffany blue-skied afternoon with a box of frosted cupcakes by my side, i felt a sense of peace and happiness. the kind that comes with being in love, and being at a good point your life where everything feels right. and it's on days like these that i wish would roll on forever, not be uprooted in a matter of 2 weeks. because i don't know when i will be able to feel like this again.

amidst the preoccupations that consume us, we often forget to pause for a moment and in the silence, revel in the blessings we have been given. moments like these don't come often but when they do, i'm glad for the reminder of how lucky my life has been in spite of the difficulties and disappointments i've had to face.

and it gives me hope and faith that someday, somehow, i will feel this way again.


rachel at 1:04 AM


Saturday, July 07, 2007

it's saturday night and i'm holed up in here again commiserating with the melancholy of jay chou's music. i'm pretty darn sure i wouldn't be able to find my way back here on my own after sunset. it's just as well, i've got plenty for company - cream puffs from saiko, plums, dou nai and satc dvds. i've stuffed myself pretty well today - brunch was pepperoni pizza and mint hot chocolate at cosi, mid-afternoon sweet cream ice-cream with strawberries and marshmallows at mix, and sushi for dinner. i'm about to give up on that certain dress i've been eyeing over the past 2 days - it fits almost perfectly but not enough to warrant a purchase. ARGH. then there is the kate spade wallet that caught my fancy today. ohh how good it is to be on holiday and to not have any serious decisions to make or contemplate ponderous issues right now - i need that break.

rachel at 9:47 PM


a late start to the day, but i'm well-rested. the room's in a real mess in the sense that all my stuff acquired over the past 6 months is stuffed in shopping bags and are sitting in a corner waiting to be unpacked and repacked. but that's not my main priority right now - i wanna go out and have fun in the sun...just not alone i guess. it'll only be a couple more days. i'm trying to stop living in denial and accept the fact that i will only be here for awhile more - so far it's been working out fine but it's hard to come to terms with thoughts of coming home (because this city has been so good to, and for me). i didn't ever think i would feel this way.

so it's supposedly a lucky day for couples - it's a nice number but i don't quite buy into this numerology thing cuz relationships are so much more than that. i suppose i'll be on my own for the most part this weekend - i'm thinking of solotripping to bainbridge island tomorrow. for now i have terrible cravings for a certain gorgeous dress and bubble tea.

rachel at 10:26 AM


summer is here and we're going back to the way we were. i'm back in seattle and while mostly everything feels different, some things never change. taking comfort in the familiar for now.

rachel at 12:48 AM
